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Hoshizaki W1 Water Chiller

Production/24 Hrs Shape cube Size w x h x d

Cold Water anytime, anywhere without power. Perfect for offices and mine sites. This unit takes the fuss out of technology providing simplicity and function at an affordable price.

Simply place, add one bag of ice, connect and Presto! Cold Water!

Mining Agriculture Hospitality Residential Refrigerated Cabinets


  • Cold plate technology – no electricity required
  • Small footprint allows total flexibility for placement
  • 9kg ice storage bin
  • Dispenses from 26° C ambient keg to <2.5°C
  • Hi-Light 304 stainless steel tap as standard
  • A full ice bin can flash chill beer for up to eight hours, depending on the volume of beer served
  • 2 x 425ml drinks per minute
  • 45ml/second flow rate



Ambient Temp Water Temp KGs per 24 hrs