You don’t have to make a big outlay to get the ice making machines you need. You can purchase great commercial ice makers with a budget-friendly finance deal. Manage your payment choices easily and arrange finance that suits your needs through our finance providers.
If you would like further information on purchasing an ice maker, please contact us.
If you don’t want to spend big money upfront on a purchase, why not rent? Rental is an excellent, lower-cost alternative to buying your machines. Get the ice maker you want with a simple, straightforward rental deal. It’s easy. SilverChef is our partner for our rentals of ice makers and ice machines.
We understand that every business journey is unique, and the nature of different industries are sometimes uncertain. Working with our partner, SilverChef, we can offer a Rent to Buy solution to give you unrivalled flexibility to adapt your equipment to the changing needs of your business.
You can see their information below.
Our finance partner, SilverChef are currently offering up to $65,000 in equipment funding for businesses to find the right equipment for their business. For more information and to apply now click here.