At Ice Machines Australia we highly recommend putting an external water filtration system on your ice machine as it will help protect the longevity of the unit – and after all filtered water makes the best clear ice!
A water filter not only improves the overall quality of the ice, but it can also reduce maintenance and repairs to the machine.
Feeding your ice maker with contaminated water will not only create a cloudy cube, but it will also affect the internals of the machine. It’s essential to keep muck and grime out of the internals of an ice machine to ensure it performs to the best of its ability – and so you don’t run into trouble down the track!
Depending on your application we recommended that the water filter be changed every 6-12 months. Most cartridges will have space to write a date when it’s next due to be changed as a reminder to look after your unit and to keep your ice machine as clean as possible.
So, whether the ice machine you have is for commercial use or consumption you can see why it’s extremely important to keep not only the ice itself clean, but the internals as well.